

At Antron Engineering, our priority when serving our clients is to produce a high-end product at the lowest cost possible. To make this possible, we use a special production approach called Process Engineering. Working directly with our clients on long and short-term projects, we get maximum productivity at a minimum cost.

One of the value-added benefits of working with Antron Engineering is the time we regularly take to consider new ways to help our clients improve their products.  This video presents a great example as President Anthony F. Denietolis, Jr. explains how Antron developed this testing unit.  It clearly demonstrates why Antron clients have come to value our ability to provide custom engineering, machining and testing in order to optimize their product’s performance.

In addition to our diverse range of computer capabilities and experience with both Master Cam and Solidworks software, several additional types of engineering are available.

Pre-Engineering is the process of carefully analyzing our customer’s product plans to ensure maximum efficiency in the final production process.

Reverse Engineering is the process of taking a client’s supply product, and using that to produce all necessary drawings as well as perform analysis to increase production efficiency.

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering is the process of inspecting original product documentation to improve mechanical and/or electronic performance in order to meet or exceed a client’s

Laser Engineering is the process of creating design documentation, drawings for use in the production of fiber delivery systems, optical lasers and pump cavities. Antron also has our own line of laser rail mounts.

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